Inseparable Bros (2019) 나의 특별한 형제






Inseparable Bros (2019) 나의 특별한 형제


Se-Ha is intelligent, but confined to a wheelchair, while Dong-Goo is tall and athletic, but has a mental age of 5. Although not blood-related, Se-Ha and Dong-Goo navigate their way through life by filling in for each other's shortcomings.


Se-Ha (Shin Ha-Kyun) and Dong-Goo (Lee Kwang-Soo) are not blood-related brothers, but they have been like brothers for the past 20 years. Se-Ha is smart, but he has a physical disability. Dong-Goo is not very smart, but he is in excellent physical condition. Mi-Hyun (Esom) is the only person who treats them without prejudice, and she helps them get out into the world.


confine [ kənˈfaɪn]
(질병 등으로 몸이) 침대, 휠체어 등에 얽매이다
shortcoming [ |ʃɔːrtkʌmɪŋ
결점, 단점 (=defect)
disability [ ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti]
(신체적·정신적) 장애
prejudice [ ˈpredʒudɪs ]





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