digital forensics(46)
ZeroAccess, Volatility, and Kernel Timers
ZeroAccess, Volatility, and Kernel Timers As today is Volatility Friday, we'll discuss how to hunt ZeroAccess in memory by following the lead of several others and then writing our own custom plugin. I first want to recognize the work done on this topic by Frank Boldewin, Giuseppe Bonfa, and Marco Giuliani. They are the..
Runscanner - 실행
실행하기 exe파일 실행 OK 실행화면!!! Scan computer 버튼 클릭 분석결과
Runscanner-startup and hijack analyzer
Runscanner startup and hijack analyzer portable Runscanner site 다운로드 상단의 Download 링크 클릭 > Freeware Download버튼 클릭 직접다운로드
Public process list-Runscanner
Windows에서 실행중인 프로세스 정보확인 Public process list-Runscanner
국립 군산대학교-디지털포렌식 전공
국립 군산대학교-디지털포렌식 전공
SeagateDateCode Calculator
SeagateDateCode Calculator 직접다운로드